22 October 2016

Oriel Davies

Oriel Davies Open 2016: Painting16th April to 15th June, 2016


The exhibition represents the current strength of painting practice by established and emerging talent across the UK and overseas.
The selection panel included Clare Woods; Nick Thornton, Head of Fine Art at Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales, Cardiff; Dr Rebecca Daniels, Art Historical Researcher, Catalogue Raisonné of Francis Bacon and Alex Boyd Jones, Curator at Oriel Davies.
The exhibiting artists are:

Ned Armstrong, Jo Berry, Louise Bristow, Melanie Carvalho, Clare Chapman, Corinne Charton, Tom Climent, Michelle Conway, Daniel Crawshaw, Martyn Cross, Rebecca Croxford, Tim Davies, Ken Elias, Renata Fernandez, Niki Hare, Judith Hay, Adam Hennessey, Nicholas Johnson, Natasha Kidd, Angela Lizon, Eva Nielsen, Sally Payen, Cherry Pickles, Tom Pitt, Clare Price, Andreas Rüthi, Mark Samsworth, DJ Simpson, André Stitt, Lexi Strauss, Hannah Weatherhead, Ellie Young