1. Date 2. Time, usually ship’s time kept on 2400
watch face 3. Log (odometer), which usually has the
same calibration as the knotmeter 4. Course, usually compass, as read, without
corrections 5. Speed by knotmeter 6. Location by Latitude and Longitude or
description 7. Optional 8. AWS, apparent wind speed 9. AWA, apparent wind angle (0° to 180°,
port or starboard) 10. Baro (barometer), in millibars 11. Comments (weather, sea state, battery
charging, temperature checks, etc)
"… poetry can break isolation, show us to ourselves when we are
outlawed and made invisible, remind us of beauty where no beauty seemed
possible, remind us of kinship where all that seems possible is
separation". Adrienne Rich
Our hero: Adrienne Rich
Eve Ensler and Jackie Kay pay tribute to the great
American poet and feminist who has just died. Guardian, 7/04/12