11 December 2011

Godzilla's Saddle

Godzilla's Saddle  Wood, collage, water colour, chamois leather.  November 2011

7 December 2011

A Collection

A Collection of Postcards Showing Art Made Between 1946 and the Present 
(Studio View)
Postcards, paper, pencil, colour photocopy, pen on paper. 2011.  
Dimensions variable.

27 November 2011


                                             Untitled (Tillmans/Moth) 11x15x1.5cm 

When you look for one thing, you find another.  Paintings are stills of things, many stills of things, and memory.

20 October 2011

Studies For Don Van Vliet And The Golden Bough

Study For Don van Vliet And The Golden Bough
pencil, acrylic, gloss paint, collage, photocopy on paper

5 October 2011

The Constellation of The Lyre

Here are some notes on the recent works; they are still under consideration.

The Constellation of the Lyre has six images based on painting and one with collage, there are also a number of associated drawings.  The individual works use different styles or visual languages to present aerial views, views looking up and presentations of things that fly and leave the earth, however briefly.  The  Pinakothek Der Moderne shows an image from the collection catalogue cover that features Joseph Beuys’s The End of the Twentieth Century.  The title has a certain ring from the use of English and German words together.  The second painting, The Ecstasy of the Great Wood Carver Steiner  re-orders a title from a Werner Herzog film about the champion ski jumper and carpenter Walter Steiner. 
Two paintings have the same title: We Are Stardust.  This title comes from a song written by Joni Mitchell, with associations to Woodstock and its sentiment urging a reconnection to nature.   One image is a single tree, the other a more abstract reading, has its source in a communications tower at a motorway service station.  The Second Badge Painting builds its own constellation and emblem. 
Edward Thomas wrote the poem The Constellation of the Lyre, his original sketch and notation reproduced in Edward Thomas Selected Poems, edited by Matthew Hollis, (Faber and Faber Ltd 2011).

Flight 447 crashed in the Southern Atlantic in 2009, there were no survivors from the Air France disaster.  Although various pieces of wreckage were found floating on the sea’s surface, the hunt for and eventual discovery of the black boxes was extraordinarily long and difficult.  The work, Constellation of the Lyre, uses a collage element from part of a poster for an exhibition of Indian Shiva Linga divine mystique paintings.

This is the constellation of the Lyre: 
Its music cannot ever tire,
For it is silent.  No man need fear it:
Unless he wants to, he will not hear it.

28 September 2011

Light Air Windsock

Light Air Windsock  2011  H 3 metres

27 September 2011

The Constellation of the Lyre

The Constellation of the Lyre - studio installation September 2011

10 September 2011

California Trees

California Trees  pencil, inkjet, 21x29cm 2011

12 July 2011

The Second Badge Painting

The Second Badge Painting

2 July 2011

1 July 2011

Spike Island Open

This year Spike Island Open included the open studios, an exhibition by Marjolin Dijkman and a group show featuring: Viv Baker, Sovay Berriman, Peter Bobby, Katy Connor, Peter Dalby, Katie Davies, Garreth Hughes, Angela Lizon, Andrew Mania, Vic Moreton, Jonathan Mosley and Sophie Warren, Russell Oliver, Ryan Oliver, William Rounce, Mark Samsworth, Howard Silverman, and Emma Stibbon.

Marjolin Dijkman
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum

Studio 78 Mark Samsworth
They Are Our Desire For Light, For Stars, For Rainbows

10 May 2011



29 January 2011

ArtSway Open

                                                        ArtSway Open 2010, 20th November - 23rd January 2011

                                                                                             I Fell Upon You And You Fell Upon Me
                                                                                            finger joint wood, oil on gesso on card
                                                                                            108x11x97 cm